428 research outputs found

    GeoCommons. Geolocalizació de la producció acadèmica de la UPC

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    El novembre de l’any 2016 es va posar en funcionament el portal ‘GeoCommons: la UPC en el territori’ (http://geocommons.upc.edu), amb l’objectiu de poder mostrar l’activitat i l’impacte que la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) té en el territori, a partir de la geolocalització dels documents publicats al dipòsit institucional ‘UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC’. Pel desenvolupament del projecte es va formar un grup de treball format per bibliotecaris de diferents biblioteques de la UPC i informàtics, que en van definir els requeriments, model de metadades, prototipatge i mecanismes de gestió i actualització de la plataforma. Un dels aspectes que més es van tenir en compte va ser la sostenibilitat i viabilitat del projecte. Es varen desenvolupar eines específiques de suport al procés de geolocalització de documents o d’identificació de les organitzacions col·laboradores, per tal de reduir-ne els costos de gestió i actualització. El resultat ha estat un web que permet veure en un mapa del món quina ha estat la producció acadèmica de la UPC que fa referència a una zona concreta del món, mostrant les dades bibliogràfiques bàsiques del document i enllaçant-lo també al dipòsit institucional per poder-ne consultar el contingut. Com a valor afegit es pot visualitzar també amb quines organitzacions (empreses, universitats, centres de recerca, ....) s’han realitzat els treballs dipositats a UPCommons. La bona acollida de la plataforma fa que a dia d’avui s’estiguin implementant millores, com la personalització de mapes per il·lustrar pàgines web o el desenvolupament de projectes de caràcter interuniversitari.El noviembre del año 2016 se puso en funcionamiento del portal 'GeoCommons: la UPC en el territorio' (http://geocommons.upc.edu), con el objetivo de poder mostrar la actividad y el impacto que la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) tiene en el territorio, a partir de la geolocalización de los documentos publicados al repositorio institucional 'UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC'. Para el desarrollo del proyecto se creó grupo de trabajo formado por bibliotecarios de las bibliotecas de la UPC e informáticos, que definieron los requisitos, modelo de metadatos, prototipage y mecanismos de gestión y actualización de la plataforma. Uno de los aspectos que más se tuvieron en cuenta fue la sostenibilidad y viabilidad del proyecto. Se desarrollaron herramientas específicas de soporte al proceso de geolocalización de documentos, con el fin de reducir los costes de gestión y actualización. El resultado es un web que permite ver en un mapa cual ha sido la producción académica de la UPC que hace referencia a una zona concreta del mundo, mostrando los datos bibliográficos básicos y enlazando también al repositorio institucional para poder consultar el contenido. Como valor añadido se pueden visualizar también las organizaciones (empresas, universidades, centros de investigación,…) con las que se han realizado los trabajos depositados en UPCommons. La buena acogida de la plataforma ha provocado que su desarrollo siga evolucionando, con mejoras en las opciones de personalización de mapas o el desarrollo de proyectos de carácter interuniversitario.The GeoCommons portal (http://geocommons.upc.edu) was launched in November 2016 to show the activity and impact of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) across the world by geolocating documents published in the UPCommons institutional repository. A work group composed of librarians from UPC libraries and computer scientists was set up to establish the requirements and to develop the metadata model and prototypes for the portal. As sustainability and feasibility were priority objectives, specific tools were developed to geolocate documents and identify collaborating organisations, thereby reducing the costs of managing and updating the platform. The result is a website showing the academic output of the UPC on a world map that gives documents’ basic bibliographic data and a link to the full text in UPCommons. The organisations (companies, universities, research centres, etc.) with which the works deposited in UPCommons have been carried out can also be viewed. Because the platform has been well received, improvements such as the customisation of maps to illustrate web pages and the development of interuniversity projects have been implemented.Postprint (author's final draft

    Efectivitat de les polítiques temporals per reduir el consum de gasolina

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    A finals de febrer de 2011, el govern va anunciar un conjunt de mesures encaminades a reduir el consum de gasolina. Les seves previsions eren que aquest caigués en un 15%. Un estudi a partir d'informació públicament disponible ha detectat que aquestes mesures (reducció dels preus dels trens de rodalies, límits més estrictes de velocitat i inclusió de biofuel en el carburant) van obtenir un efecte inferior al previst pel govern a causa del seu caràcter temporal.A finales de febrero de 2011, el gobierno anunció un conjunto de medidas encaminadas a reducir el consumo de gasolina. Sus previsiones eran que éste cayera en un 15%. Un estudio a partir de información públicamente disponible ha detectado que dichas medidas (reducción de los precios de los trenes de cercanías, límites más estrictos de velocidad e inclusión de biofuel en el carburante) obtuvieron un efecto inferior al previsto por el gobierno debido a su carácter temporal.In late February 2011, the government announced a set of measures to reduce fuel consumption. His forecast was that it fell by 15%. A study based on publicly available information detected that these measures (reduction of prices of train tickets, stricter speed limits and inclusion of biofuel) had a lower effect than those predicted by the government due to their temporary character

    Análisis de secuencias de aprendizaje matemático desde la perspectiva de la gestión de la participación

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    El aula de matemáticas puede ser objeto de análisis desde muy diversas perspectivas. En este artículo se estudia la gestión de la participación de los alumnos en los procesos de aprendizaje relacionados con el contenido matemático. Para ello desarrollamos un instrumento de análisis y mostramos su utilidad aplicándolo a una sesión sobre polígonos. Nos centramos en cómo la maestra promueve procesos de responsabilización, comunicación y validación.The mathematics classroom can be analysed from many perspectives. In this paper the focus is on the pupils' participation management in the mathematics learning processes. For this we developed an analytical tool and showed its application on a lesson on polygons. We looked at the way the teacher promotes processes of responsibilisation, communication and validation

    How effective are policies to reduce gasoline consumption? Evaluating a quasi-natural experiment in Spain

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    Using a panel of 48 provinces for four years we empirically analyze a series of temporary policies aimed at curbing fuel consumption implemented in Spain between March and June 2011. The first policy was a reduction in the speed limit in highways. The second policy was an increase in the biofuel content of fuels used in the transport sector. The third measure was a reduction of 5% in commuting and regional train fares that resulted in two major metropolitan areas reducing their overall fare for public transit. The results indicate that the speed limit reduction in highways reduced gasoline consumption by between 2% and 3%, while an increase in the biofuel content of gasoline increased this consumption. This last result is consistent with experimental evidence that indicates that mileage per liter falls with an increase in the biofuel content in gasolines. As for the reduction in transit fares, we do not find a significant effect for this policy. However, in specifications including the urban transit faré for the major cities in each province the estimated cross-price elasticity of the demand for gasoline -used as a proxy for car use- with respect to the price of transit is within the range reported in the literature. This is important since one of the main efficiency justification for subsidizing public transit rests on the positive value of this parameter and most of the estimates reported in the literature are quite dated

    DISPAR: A tool to model bottom trawl fishing gears

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    Marine Technology Workshop (Martech05), 17-18 November 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona.-- 1 pageBottom trawl fishing is a relevant extractive economic activity. However, the limitation of resources and the impact on the environment demand for a more rational exploitation in order to render the activity sustainable and productive in a near future. To this purpose it is important to understand and to analyze the behaviour of fishinggears. DISPAR is a collaboration project betweenthe UPC-CTVG and the CSIC aimed to movetowards this direction. [...]Peer Reviewe

    Architectural Significance of the Seokguram Buddhist Grotto in Gyeongju (Korea)

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    The purpose of this article is to disclose the hidden architectural proportions and true nature of the Korean national treasure in Seokguram Grotto, Gyeongju. The authors compare its features with those of other ancient hypogeal or ashlar constructions with the intention of rediscovering its relevant configuration and latent structural properties in order to demonstrate its uniqueness. The methods employed in the research belong initially to architectural design and composition to advance in the later stages to the nuances of stone masonry, lighting effects and especially cohesive construction. In this discussion and thorough analysis diverse philosophical and scientific subtleties are brought to the surface. The results demonstrate significant potential thanks to recent architectural developments, such as Tadao Ando’s Buddha Hill in Hokkaido (2017) and the authors’ own proposal for a Buddhist monumentF. S.-A. dedicates this article to his beloved son Francisco Salguero Jiménez. I. R.-C. wishes to recognize Maria Luisa Rodriguez Cunill and Antonio Maestre Cernadas. J. CabezaLainez feels indebted to Tomomi Odajima for offering sustain in endless travels and recognizes the indefatigable work and help of Lorenzo Muro. F.P.-H. wants to dedicate his work in this article to his master Alain Kermorvant, from the University of Tours, for the moments they shared in the islands of Malta. The endurance of Juhyung Lee is much appreciated by the author

    Architectural Significance of the Seokguram Buddhist Grotto in Gyeongju (Korea)

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    The purpose of this article is to disclose the hidden architectural proportions and true nature of the Korean national treasure in Seokguram Grotto, Gyeongju. The authors compare its features with those of other ancient hypogeal or ashlar constructions with the intention of rediscovering its relevant configuration and latent structural properties in order to demonstrate its uniqueness. The methods employed in the research belong initially to architectural design and composition to advance in the later stages to the nuances of stone masonry, lighting effects and especially cohesive construction. In this discussion and thorough analysis diverse philosophical and scientific subtleties are brought to the surface. The results demonstrate significant potential thanks to recent architectural developments, such as Tadao Ando’s Buddha Hill in Hokkaido (2017) and the authors’ own proposal for a Buddhist monument

    Measurement of bone lengthening forres; an experimental model in the lamb

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    To obtain the mechanical behaviour pattern of the lengthening process. DESIGN. IN VIVO: measurement of forces during bone engthening in lambs. BACKGROUND: A series of parameters of a mechanical and biological nature have a bearing on all lengthening processes, and most of them are not fully understood. METHODS: A strain-gauge-monitored unilateral fixator was designed and used to obtain data about the changes which took place in the forces of elongation at a rate of 1 mm/day in four lambs while a 3 cm progressive lengthening of the left tibia was being performed, analysing how these forces behaved from day to day, and how they changed in the course of a single day. RESULTS: The maximum forces in all the animals each day occur after distraction, and the forces reach their greatest magnitude between days 21 and 25 after surgery, attaining values of slightly over 8 kg (40-50% of the animal's weight). The maximum daily force starts to drop 1 h after distraction, and continues to decrease gradually throughout the day until it reaches a value slightly greater than the initial force on the previous day. CONCLUSION: This pattern is due to the distraction of soft tissues which gradually adapt to their new situation, thereby reducing the level of stress. RELEVANCE: In the daily bone lengthening procedure, the greatest forces are produced in a short period of time immediately after lengthening. they could be reduced to decrease pain in the patient and loads on the device by performing lengthening over a greater number of steps or using dynamic equipment able to absorb these forces
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